I promise I can tie this to Des Moines...
Jerseyrock-royalty Titus Andronicus is like one of my vices: I use them frequently at levels that would make "experts" cringe.... The performance they gave at 80/35 in 2011 was something of a fantasy for me. That being said, they often drop other bands' names mid-song and I eventually figured out that these were good tips that Patrick and the gang were practically yelling.
Diarrhea Planet
This band first came to my attention when I saw Titus Andronicus in Des Moines; Patrick wore a Diarrhea Planet t-shirt during their performance. Since then the band has won some considerable fame-- getting their name dropped in a live recording of a Titus Andronicus song among their live/demo release and made a list as one of JEFF the Brotherhood's favorites.
Anyway, Diarrhea Planet has again released its bowels; the album is titled Loose Jewels. If you like JEFF the Brotherhood and/or Titus Andronicus then you should grab it fast.
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This group got cover treatment on the Titus Andronicus LLC Mixtape Vol. "Waking Up Drunk". It is rambunctious tune perfect for a broken heart or an excuse to go on a drinking binge. [SIDE NOTE: for my Be Orange Gang-- this was my May-Term theme-song.] Might I add those Springsteen loving, Jersey boys sure do have good taste in music.-C.K.